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Saving our oceans through Cleanup Expeditions and Environmental & Regnerative Projects

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An Overview of MareBlu

Surrounded by over 572,000 square kilometers of vibrant marine life, Costa Rica's waters are home to 3.5% of the world's marine biodiversity. However, these riches face threats from human actions, with more than 400 tons of plastic ending up in the sea daily, endangering marine species and coral reefs. MareBlu, founded in 2018, tackles this crisis by removing an average of five tons of waste monthly from beaches and rivers, and engaging in projects like artificial reefs and plastic-collecting turtles. Through its efforts and strategic alliances, MareBlu leads a crucial movement towards restoring the marine ecosystem, inviting companies to join in safeguarding a clean and hopeful future for our seas and the generations to come.

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Did you know that only 7% of all plastic is recycled? The rest of it usually ends up in oceans. As recycling statistics estimate, there will be 12 billion metric tons of plastic in landfills by 2050.

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Did you know it's expected that by 2050 of all seabird species will be ingesting plastic?

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Over 50 percent of the world's coral reefs have died in the last 30 years and up to 90 percent may die within the next century—very few pristine coral reefs still exist.

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Coastal and Ocean Cleanup Expeditions

Every day approximately 8 million pieces of plastic pollution find their way into our oceans. Whether it’s by water or land, daily expeditions take place on different locations. Depending on the conditions and tide, we take different approaches, aiming to collect the most plastic and trash we can for the day!


Wherever there is education, there’s change. Education is key to stopping waste entering our environment at its SOURCE, and implementing; refusing, reducing, reusing and recycling habits in our community.

recycle icon Refuse, Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
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Our Recent Projects

artificial reef project Artificial Reefs

On 2019, Punta Leona Resort and Club requested MareBlu to initiate the development, design and construction of the artificial reef project. These structures duplicate spheres, which in time will promote and enhance marine life on the Playa Blanca marine reserve. This project consists of approximately 200 artificial reef structures will go through 2021 to 2025.

upcycling project Upcycling Center

Our new upcycling center will be one of a kind facility on the central pacific of Costa Rica. We do not believe in retrieving plastic pollution from the environment and sending it to the Municipal Land fill. It is with that in mind, that we are creating the Upcycling center. First to motivate recycling in the area, and second but most important to create products from te plastic we retrieve from the ocean, directly in our facility.

expedition vehicle icon MareBlu Expedition Vehicle

On 2019, Punta Leona Resort and Club requested MareBlu to initiate the development, design and construction of the artificial reef project. These structures duplicate spheres, which in time will promote and enhance marine life on the Playa Blanca marine reserve. This project consists of approximately 200 artificial reef structures will go through 2021 to 2025.

turtle cans project Turtle Cans

The turtle hatchery project, is the next chapter in conservation for Mareblu. It will be established at the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022. Several studies indicate that these beaches are getting a growing number of turtle nests per year, but the beach does not have the ideal characteristics for them to hatch properly. The turtle nesting hatchery will increase the number of successful nests to promote marine life recovery.

beach cleanup project Beach Cleanups

Our new upcycling center will be one of a kind facility on the central pacific of Costa Rica. We do not believe in retrieving plastic pollution from the environment and sending it to the Municipal Land fill. It is with that in mind, that we are creating the Upcycling center. First to motivate recycling in the area, and second but most important to create products from te plastic we retrieve from the ocean, directly in our facility.

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Become Part of the Movement

There’s so many ways you can get involved to help the environment, to make an impact against Climate Change and help people from surrounding Communities of our beautiful country that are in need of a new opportunity.

As you can see in our video, through one of our Initiatives called “Fishing Plastic” we can do an effective partnership, and ensure sustainable results necessary for the ecosystems and the people in the area. By sponsoring activities like this you are helping not only to recover tons of plastic and other materials from our coastlines to be up cycled but also giving families the opportunity to have a job and bring food to their households.

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A non-profit organization dedicated to recovering and processing plastic pollution from the coastlines, rivers and the ocean of Costa Rica.

Get In Touch
MareBlu Punta Leona, Garabito, Costa Rica.
Copyright 2024 MareBlu, All Rights Reserved